We are Magic Eye TMS
Built by transporters for transporters

Cloud based cutting edge management for your fleet

Stop the carnage

Magic Eye helps you put a stop to the money drain

Still Managing your fleet the old way?
Manage your fleet like it deserves

Have you read yet?
Fleet Management Checklist

What you should be doing...but probably aren't

Magic Eye TMS
Need Transportation?

Find out how you can decrease costs, headaches and friction
by using one intelligent, integrated marketplace.

Decrease Costs
With smarter rate negotiations

Specify your main logistics requirements and allow the marketplace to find the best transporter to do the job based on past performance and reputation.

Decrease Friction
Collaborating in the same platform

All players of the supply chain operate within one smooth, simple platform, decreasing friction improving efficiencies.

Increase Safety
Hire based on reputation

The marketplace remembers. Contract partners based on earned reputation. This make all players accountable, and the need to deliver a necessity.

World class analytics
Improve over time by knowing your numbers

Let Big Data and Analytics point out where you need to improve. The marketplace collect massive amounts of data so that you can improve over time.


What We Do
Our Capabilities

A highly skilled professional service with a

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Graphic Design
Crafting with Love

Vivamus congue diam vitae tortor imperdiet congue. Nullam sagittis tristique diam, ut ullamcorper tellus. Cras porttitor massa.


Crazy Coding
Hand Developing

Nullam id ornare magna. Nullam eu nisi porttitor, aliquam mi sit amet, viverra diam. Maecenas vitae mollis est. Nunc nec lectus.


Web Optimization
Faster than Light

Maecenas sit amet eros luctus dui volutpat sollicitudin id vitae est. Vivamus laoreet adipiscing metus vel fermentum. Sed velit.


Making a New You

In pulvinar sapien ipsum, vel scelerisque ligula fringilla in. Donec mi urna, aliquet ac arcu vel, feugiat fermentum leo.


Customer Support
And Affinity

Duis vel est nec sapien suscipit gravida. Integer vitae tortor dui. Donec libero quam, euismod sit amet enim ac, varius.


Having Fun
Office Surfing (with chairs!)

Etiam cursus nunc vitae auctor semper. In commodo ligula eu faucibus mattis. Maecenas sed consectetur orci. Curabitur dui.


Get In Touch
Contact Us

We would like to hear from you.